Now it’s your turn to have a say. Did you think that Inside Llewyn Davis was just another soundtrack passed off as a movie by the Coen Brothers? Were you disturbed by the drugged-out sexploits of former Mouseketeers because Spring Breakers lacked critical distance? Inspired to redecorate your home after watching Stray Dogs? Or maybe you once again believed in the magic of cinema when Joaquin Phoenix fell in love with his phone?

Whatever the past 12 months of cinema held for you, all those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain . . . unless you participate in the FILM COMMENT Best of 2013 Readers' Poll. Send a ranked list of your top 20 films of 2013, plus any comments about them, to fcpoll [at]! Deadline: Monday, February 3, 2014. All participants will be automatically entered into a drawing to win up to $200 in DVDs from the Criterion Collection catalog, and selected reader rants and raves will appear on this website when the poll results are posted. You can find the Gorfeins' cat some other time—get crackin’!