1. Marlene Dietrich & Josef von Sternberg
2. Lillian Gish & D.W. Griffith
3. John Wayne & John Ford
1. Badlands Terrence Malick (1973)
2. The Maltese Falcon John Huston (1941)
3. The Great McGinty Preston Sturges (1940)
4. Story of a…
1. The Mother and the Whore Jean Eustache (217 minutes)
2. Sátántangó Béla Tarr (450)
3. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Chantal Akerman (201)…
1. Vertigo Alfred Hitchcock, 1958
2. Ordet Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1955
3. Pickpocket Robert Bresson, 1959
4. M Fritz Lang,…
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